Are you excited about your term 1 examinations? It’s always a zeal to perform well in your first exam of the year to maintain the same result throughout the year consistently.

CBSE term I exam is just a couple of months away. If you are among those students who wish to score well in less time, you are at the right place.

Several students have already started making plans and preparing. If you are stressed or confused, take deep breaths, put all your efforts aside, and take online classes and sample question papers and quiz at for your exam preparation.

CBSE term 1 exam dates will be out shortly, and here’s what you need to do to score good marks. As per the recent updates, the exams are set to be conducted in November & December.

So now, as you are aware that you have only a few weeks left for preparation, start planning and follow it. Planning is the most important aspect of everything; the same applies in this case too. Planning ensures that you are ready to cover all the important topics.

Syllabus and paper pattern of CBSE term 1 exam

All the students will be tested on 50% of the syllabus as released by the officials. The examination will be conducted in the schools affiliated with CBSE, and externals will be appointed to check the condition of the school.

Next, talking about the paper pattern, all the questions would have options. To be more precise, the question paper will be based on MCQs. These MCQs will also be based on case studies.

The officials have already released the sample papers for both 10th as well as 12th standards. You have to download them and work on them. Solving the previous year’s question paper will ensure that you are fully aware of the questions’ level and the pattern. Working on samples papers gives the entire idea of the paper, and with the same, you will know where you stand and how much more preparation you need.

CBSE term 1 Exam Tips

• Consistency is the key. To score good marks, you will have to work hard and be smart from the beginning, from term 1.
• Solve as many question papers as you can.
• Make notes, read and write down formulas in a book
• Have enough sleep
• Take naps in between
• Watch live lectures at Braintonica

All the points mentioned above will be of great help if you follow them properly. Don’t stress too much over exams, but study every day. You can visit for more help regarding CBSE Term 1 exam preparation.