One out of two exams of CBSE will be conducted in November or December. The exact dates are yet to be announced by the board. Are you worried and stressed about your exams, don’t worry, we have been there? Instead of wasting your energy stressing […]
CBSE term 1 exam are on the verge. What is your status of preparation? Wouldn’t it be easier to revise the pattern of exam pre-hand? CBSE term 1 exam sample question papers help us understand the pattern and questions that may appear in our CBSE […]
Are you excited about your term 1 examinations? It’s always a zeal to perform well in your first exam of the year to maintain the same result throughout the year consistently. CBSE term I exam is just a couple of months away. If you are […]

DELF or Diplôme d’études en langue française (translated: Diploma in French Studies), is French Language Diplomas / Certificates administered by the International Centre for French Studies (Centre international d’études pédagogiques, or CIEP) for France’s Ministry of Education. These exams test a student’s level of understanding […]

Olympiad exams or Olympiads are the means for students to compete with other students on a similar educational level. Such exams promote the learning of skills in subjects like mathematics, science, computer technology or English language among students. Olympiad Examinations help to identify a child’s capability and real potential that may […]

The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (Undergraduate) (NEET (UG)), formerly the All India Pre-Medical Test (AIPMT), is an entrance examination in India for students who wish to study undergraduate medical courses (MBBS) and dental courses (BDS) in government or private medical and dental colleges in India. The undergraduate NEET (UG), for MBBS and BDS […]

Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is an engineering entrance examination conducted for admission to various engineering colleges in India. It is constituted by two different examinations – JEE Main and the JEE Advanced. The Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) conducts the joint admission process for a total of 24 Indian Institute of […]

National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is a National-Level Scholarship Program at the Secondary School level to identify and recognise students with high intellect and academic talent. NTSE is conducted every year at Two levels – Stage-I (State Level), conducted by the States/Union Territories and Stage-II […]

Online learning offers students the opportunity to work from the comfort of their bedrooms, on their couches, and in their living rooms. The rise of online learning classrooms and attending lectures virtually has only increased during this unprecedented time — one of the main effects […]

Learning one language is not enough In today’s world, speaking one foreign language is not enough. Students who speak several languages will increase their chances of finding a job, whether at home or abroad. Learning another language enriches the mind and opens up new […]